I Bet You Will
The other day while I was channel surfing, I came across this MTV production, I Bet You Will. I have watched it before just to kill some time. This is how the show works. They'll have a few host at different locations, normally at some college. They will walk around and ask if anybody will do some tasks like eating shit and they will earn some money if they completed the task.
But then it strucked me that those sohai who are willing to do the task are really sohais and the producers of the show are really smart. This is a simple and low budget show! What they'll need is a host, a camera and that's it! They don't need no actors or stunt man. The actors are those idiot college students. The tasks that you'll need to complete are like eating pig's testicles for $200; drink drain water for $50; get yourself painted from head to toe including your nike snickers for $50; get your car sprayed for $200 ; see how many dicks (hotdogs) you can put in your mouth for $50. See how Americans exploit cheap labour!! I think the producers only need a few thousand bucks to produce this show but they will earn like a few hundred thousands from commercials in return. This is no fear factor where you'll know that if you can be the fearless one you can win $50 000. I'd do whatever it takes to win $50 000. I don't give a damn if I have to eat some nasty things. But to get your car sprayed for a mere $200??? They can go fuck themselves. So now you know how clever and stupid is the Gwai Lohs. Talk about exploitation.
Come to think about it, this is how the Americans do business in China. Exploitation of cheap labour again!! Of course I do understand that if you are in business, you'll look for way to cut down on expenses. But then, if you managed to cut down the cost, then sell at a lower price where you'll know that you still make enough money. But that's not what the Americans are doing. See how much is a pair of nike shoe made in China. It's the same as though it was made in America!!! Still expensive. And now not only nike. Even Timberland shoes are made in China. And the price is still the same as though it was made in UK. Macauhai!! And M&M's too. Now when you purchased an M&M's, I bet it was made in China and not Australia anymore. The selling price is the same but it taste different. This is how to maximise your profit, just go and open a fucking factory in China . Proton should do that too. Here's a better one. MAS should hire Chinese nationals to be their pilot, steward, stewardess and ground staff so that they can overturn their deficits and make profit for once. I Bet They Will.
But then it strucked me that those sohai who are willing to do the task are really sohais and the producers of the show are really smart. This is a simple and low budget show! What they'll need is a host, a camera and that's it! They don't need no actors or stunt man. The actors are those idiot college students. The tasks that you'll need to complete are like eating pig's testicles for $200; drink drain water for $50; get yourself painted from head to toe including your nike snickers for $50; get your car sprayed for $200 ; see how many dicks (hotdogs) you can put in your mouth for $50. See how Americans exploit cheap labour!! I think the producers only need a few thousand bucks to produce this show but they will earn like a few hundred thousands from commercials in return. This is no fear factor where you'll know that if you can be the fearless one you can win $50 000. I'd do whatever it takes to win $50 000. I don't give a damn if I have to eat some nasty things. But to get your car sprayed for a mere $200??? They can go fuck themselves. So now you know how clever and stupid is the Gwai Lohs. Talk about exploitation.
Come to think about it, this is how the Americans do business in China. Exploitation of cheap labour again!! Of course I do understand that if you are in business, you'll look for way to cut down on expenses. But then, if you managed to cut down the cost, then sell at a lower price where you'll know that you still make enough money. But that's not what the Americans are doing. See how much is a pair of nike shoe made in China. It's the same as though it was made in America!!! Still expensive. And now not only nike. Even Timberland shoes are made in China. And the price is still the same as though it was made in UK. Macauhai!! And M&M's too. Now when you purchased an M&M's, I bet it was made in China and not Australia anymore. The selling price is the same but it taste different. This is how to maximise your profit, just go and open a fucking factory in China . Proton should do that too. Here's a better one. MAS should hire Chinese nationals to be their pilot, steward, stewardess and ground staff so that they can overturn their deficits and make profit for once. I Bet They Will.