Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Zoo Negara

The last time I visited the zoo was like 20 years ago. I can't remember clearly about my only trip to the zoo so far but there are some blurry images when I came to think about it. I can still remember the main entrance, the cages with animals in it, the snakes and also the aquarium. I wonder how is the zoo now. I wonder if it has been transformed into a modern and high-tech zoo with animals like the komodos and hyennas in it. So, out of curiousity, I went to the zoo a couple of days ago to see weather the zoo has changed.

To my disappointment, the zoo had not changed a bit! Macauhai, it's been 20 years and it is still the same! Lets start with the ticketing counter and the main entrance. The main entrance still remains the same and I believed that the ticketing auntie is the same one from 20 years ago! When I walked over to the counter to get the tickets, guess what was the auntie doing? She was playing the 'used to be popular 15 years ago gameboy wannabe', the brick game a.k.a tetris.

The main entrance

The first animal that I saw was the monkey. They were in a pathetic conditions. In fact, all the animals there were in a pathetic condition. The cages were filthy and smelly and I strongly believed that the cages were the same from 20 years ago. Here are some mugshots that I took of the monkeys.
Very sad monkey

Very naughty monkey

Monkeys in uniform

Look at this poor fella. It has a tumor on its butt!! The zoo fuckers don't even bother to do something. This monkey only has one side of its butt to sit on

And guess what the monkeys do when they are bored? They will have a karaoke session. A 15 minutes karaoke session. And I guess they even have monkeys GRO.

One of the few funny things that I saw in the zoo was the wild boar. Yup, wild boar. Come on!!!! You can't put something which is on the menu in a zoo! I guess our zoo doesn't have any other animals to be shown. If they can have wild boar then why don't they include chickens, ducks, crabs, squids and prawns as well. Sohai!!

"San chu". Choose the fattest one and the zoo's chef will cook it for you

Next stop is the reptiles. There are a few crocodiles and some snakes. I saw one fucking huge anaconda. As we all know, anaconda is the biggest snake in the whole fucking world. But the one I saw is the size of a worm.

Snake fucking!!

See how big is this snake. But this is not an anaconda. It's a fucking python

Here are the rest of the mugshots and shitshots. Elephants, tiger, giraffe. Basically, our zoo is a fucking big let down.

Tiger doing his business

Elephant after shitting

Elephant shit



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