Thursday, June 08, 2006

Promosi Biotek

When I was doing my postgraduate studies, I was part of the National Biotechnology Directorate team that organized the promotion of biotech to schools in Malaysia. My designation in this team was a facilitator. My first trip of 'Promosi Biotek" was to Alor Setar. There are normally 20 of us for each trip and around 300 participants.

The objectives of 'Promosi Biotek' are to promote awareness to school children and expose them to biotechnology. The
'Promosi Biotek' program will start with a lecture by a few professors. Then the students will be divided into groups where they will be involved in three activities:
i) DNA
ii) Computer simulation
iii) Dolly

For DNA, the students will be given a kit that comprises onions, chopsticks, lysis buffer, isopropanol, pipettes and some tubes. What the students need to do here are to extract the onions' DNA. It's a simple experiment that takes around 45 minutes. For computer simulation, the students will play around with an interactive software and they'll need to answer some questions after that. For Dolly the sheep, it's a board game.

I have a lot of memories during the 'Promosi Biotek' trip. First of all, it is an honour to be part of the team. For all the places that we went, if it's near an airport, we will go by flight. If not we have to go buy a bus. The worst experience going by a bus was to Rompin in Pahang (near Johor border). The journey took 8 Fucking hours!!!(from Bangi). For our accommodation, we will stay in a 5 star hotel. If a 5 star hotel is not available, we will take the best available. For food, we will go for the hotel's buffet. And the best thing is, each of us got paid RM400 for a day's work (normally, it's a 2 days work). If CC, Bros and me were together for a trip, all hells will break lose!. CC and I will bring a bottle of liquor and we will enjoy the Chivas or Swing every night. Then the next day we'll get hang-over. Just imagine going through all those shit I mentioned up there with your head fucked-up! There was a few incidents where Bros was quite drunk. And it was funny seeing this fat ass drunked! He was totally out when we were in Malacca. That night the three of us drank a whole bottle of Tupac's favourite, Hennessy. After we finished drinking, we hang out at the hotel lobby. Then, suddenly Bros disappeared. After a while, CC and I went looking for that fat ass. We went to the pool side and there was a foul smell. CC and I were still able to joke that maybe Bros vommitted into the pool. Then out of nowhere, Bros came out. He said that he is very drunk and that he had vommitted. We asked him where he puke? And he just stood there, stoned pointing to the pool. Niamacibai!!! This fat ass really puked into the pool. And that's not the only place he puked. He also left his mark at one of the entrance to the lobby. And he still can joked that the hotel cleaner will be damn pissed. The next memorable incident happened in a place called Jengka, Pahang. As usual we had the hang-over after the previous night's booze session. Bros was incharged of explaining the theory of DNA extraction to some innocent looking students. While he was explaining, something just burst out from his mouth. It was puke!! And he just told the other colleagues that he is sick. There was also an incident where CC was drunk. We had half a bottle of Swing the other night, just the two of us. We started drinking at around 12.30am until 2.30 am and had to wake up at 6.30 am. So the next morning, CC can't even walk properly. While in the bus he asked me to get some panadols for him as his head was spinning at 6000rpm.. So I asked around. No one have any panadols except some girls who have the panadol menstrual. No harm right as long as it is panadol. I took two and gave it to CC. And it managed to cool down his headache. So now we know that panadol menstrual can be used as a normal panadol. During the tour, we also managed to organize a snooker league. Those who were interested will pay a certain amount of money to join the league and the champion will get the biggest share. We called it the 'Le Tour de Snooker'. The most memorable place that we went will be JB. We spent a week there. The first thing we do when we arrived in JB was to go to the duty free zone to get 2 crates of beer. But the first night itself, CC's aunt came over and took us to a pub called 'Orang-Orang' and we drank from 6.30pm till like 2.00am. Never really touched the two crates that we bought till the final two days. And as usual, Bros was............... again!!! Bros was sharing another room with Mazlan and CC and I were in one room. So for the drinking part, Bros have to come over and join us. So, when Bros was drunk, he just crashed at our room. But when he woke up the next day, he dared to ask us why he was sleeping in our room!!!!! Muthafucker. Sigh..................


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